Advanced Uninstaller PRO v10.2 Cracked

Advanced Uninstaller PRO v10.2 Cracked

Advanced Uninstaller PRO v10.2 Cracked | 21.79 MB

Newest version of Advanced Uninstaller PRO, well known uninstaller.
Description: Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the ultimate uninstaller for Windows. You can uninstall programs quickly and completely using its simple and intuitive interface. The Installation Monitor included in the program can watch all the actions that a program performs on your computer while it installs. Advanced Uninstaller PRO remembers these changes so later you can completely uninstall that program, making sure nothing is left behind.

This tool can remove any program without a trace. Advanced Uninstaller PRO can also remove a lot of items that other uninstallers can't even touch. It can repair broken registry entries, clean non-functional Start Menu shortcuts, uninstall annoying browser toolbars, plugins and hijackers, remove fonts and get rid of startup programs that run in your system tray and slow down your computer.


Easily uninstall applications and programs. The program starts a lot faster than the Control Panel Add/Remove applet, and has a handy quick search function.
Uninstall, disable and enable Control Panel icons.
Disable or delete the programs that run at startup.
Remove items left behind in the Add/Remove section after program uninstall.
Manage the fonts installed on your computer.
Hide, show or sort your Start menu shortcuts. Automatically find and delete the non-working shortcuts on your desktop and Start menu.
Uninstall Internet Explorer toolbars, plug-ins and BHOs (Browser Helper Objects).
Find and delete garbage and temporary files.
Delete the recently open files list of programs such as Microsoft Office, Windows Media Player, ICQ, MSN, WinZip, RealPlayer, Kazaa, Morpheus, WinAmp, etc.
Delete the Internet history trail (information about the pages you visited, addresses you typed, cookies, etc).

Download Link:

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KeePass Password Safe 2.15 Professional Edition

KeePass Password Safe 2.15 Professional Edition

KeePass Password Safe 2.15 Professional Edition | 1 MB

You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish).

Today you need to remember many passwords. You need a password for the Windows network logon, your e-mail account, your homepage's FTP password, online passwords (like website member account), etc. etc. etc. The list is endless. Also, you should use different passwords for each account. Because if you use only one password everywhere and someone gets this password you have a problem... A serious problem. The thief would have access to your e-mail account, homepage, etc. Unimaginable.

Features of KeePass Password Safe:
· Highly encrypted databases
· Support of master passwords and key-disks
· Runs on all Windows operating systems and doesn't need to be installed
· Export password list to TXT, HTML, XML or CSV files
· Import from CSV, CodeWallet(Pro) TXT and Password Safe v2 TXT files
· Easy database transfer
· Support of password groups
· Time fields and entry attachment support
· Auto-type, global auto-type hot key combination and drag-n-drop support
· Intuitive and secure Windows clipboard handling
· Searching and sorting
· Multi-language support
· Strong random password generator
· Low memory requirement
· Plugin architecture
· Open-Source!

Download Links:

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ESET NOD32 Offline Update 6233 (2011-06-23)

ESET NOD32 Offline Update 6233 (2011-06-23)

ESET NOD32 Offline Update 6233 (20110623) | 39.55 MB

Update your NOD32 without internet connection.

Compatable with:

- NOD32 Smart Security (all versions)
- NOD32 Antivirus (all versions)

Steps To Offline Update:

- Extract to any folder. You should get a folder called "eset_upd" along with the update files inside.
- Move that folder to the C:\. (You should have "c:\eset_upd")
- Open up the NOD32 Control Center by clicking on the system tray icon.
- Open the "Update" screen and click on "Setup"
- In the "Server" dropdown list, choose the last item which should point to C:\eset_upd.
- Click OK to close the update setup window.
- Back at the update screen, click "Update now"

Download Link:

click here
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Platinum Hide IP Full With Crack

Platinum Hide IP Full With Crack

Platinum Hide IP | 8 MB

Platinum Hide IP - Give You Platinum Online Privacy Protection. Everyday we read more and more stories about hackers breaking into big businesses, stealing their identities and wreaking general havoc. It’s no wonder that we’ve become wary of the Internet and concerned about the Internet privacy. Now, a good solution for you comes out, if you are concerned about you online security. Use Platinum Hide IP to keep your real IP address hidden, surf anonymously, secure all the protocols on your PC, provide full encryption of your activity while working in Internet, and much more.

Key Features
* Anonymize Your Web Surfing
Your real IP is hidden when you surf on the Internet, keeping your online activity from being tracked by others.

* Protect Your Identity
Anonymous web surfing enables you to prevent identity thieves from stealing your identity or other personal information, and keep your computer safe from hacker attacks or other risks.

* Choose IP Country and Check IP
Proxy lists of many countries are enabled and you decide to select one country from the Choose IP Country window. You can check the current IP address directly.

* Send Anonymous Emails
Send anonymous emails through any web based mail system such as Gmail, Hotmail, etc.

* Get Unbanned from Forums and Blocked Websites
Change your IP address and then you can get yourself unbanned from any forums or other blocked websites that have ever banned you.

* Platform
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Download Links:

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