Easy and fast way to unfollow unfollowers on twitter

Twitter is best marketing and promotional tool for Bloggers to promot his or her blog if it is used effectively. Sometimes bloggers get so much frustrated when it comes to manage their twitter accounts follow/unfollow Twitter users. ManageFlitter is a tool that will help you to better manage your twitter account. ManageFlitter is much more than just a tool to unfollow the twitter users who are not following you. This is very simple and user friendly application.

Now, let's see how to use this tools.

1. Firstly Go Manage Flitter
2. Then click "Start > Connect to twitter"
3. Now, Login your twitter account. Then you will see, how many people are not following you.

4. From the "Unfollow" page select people for unfollow
5. Now, from the right middle corner click "Unfollow X Selected" peoples (X means no of selected people).

Here are another few online tools to unfollow people who are not following you on Twitter:
  • http://ez-money-online.com/untwitted/
  • http://dossy.org/twitter/karma/
  • https://tweetspinner.com/
  • http://www.doyoufollow.com/
  • http://www.justunfollow.com/login.do