how to find and remove unfriend from facebook friend list?

Hey, I am back. And you are welcome once again. Today I am going to share an important topic for facebook users and it is how to find and remove unfriend from facebook friend list. So, Just check this out.

To do this we have use a Mozilla Firefox extension and a scripts. And the extension name is Greasemonkey. I think you guys know what is Greasemonkey. Greasemonkey is a Firefox extension that allows users to install scripts. So, at first you have to install Greasemonkey into your browser. Ok, just install the extension and script from the following links.

Firefox extension:

Now, log-in your facebook account. After login, you will see unfriends tool on top-right corner into your facebook page like the following.


By this script you can find list of users who remove you from their friends list as well as you can find your pending request. So hurry up and get this superb script for better manege your facebook account.