Make Your Mobile Number As Not Reachable!~ No need remove sim or battery~

Make Your Mobile Number As Not Reachable!We sometimes don't
want to receive calls at a particular time. But the caller understands that we are not
receiveing call.
So make your phone as unreachable and the caller will
thought that its a network
problem. No need of removing sim card!
Lets start the game!
Go to Menu> Settings> Phone>
Operator selection> Manual!
Now your phone will search for
available operators. Select any
other network except your own
network (i.e. If you are using
Airtel, select Aktel or GrameenPhone etc etc). You'll
get an error message No
network access!
Now look at the signal bar. It is
But dont press back. If you
press back, the phone will
capture signal again.
If any caller call you then, he will
hear that your phone is out of
network range!
This trick works on almost every