Recuva 140 download from jumbofiles

Recuva 140 download from jumbofiles

By this tool you can easily return your file like picture,video,document and so on.

Folow this instraction to recover your file.

1.instale Recuva software Software

3.Select what you want to recover(picture,video,document,compress)

4.You can choose a drive from where you deleted your file or you can search all the computer

5.this step recuva take a short time to search your file

6.after sometime you discover that your deleted file is front of you. you click on recuver  and recuva send your file in drive where your file had.

Most of 95% time recuver can found actual file.if your delete amount is too big or deleted long time ago then recuva can't find actual file most of time

Best Wise for all.install it and return your importent file.

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